EBC Annex 36 Extension Working Group

Status: Completed (2003-2005)

Operating Agent:
Ove Mørck
PhD, Director
Cenergia Energy Consultants,
Sct. JacobsVej 4
DK 2750 Ballerup, Denmark
Tel.: +45 4466 0099
Mobile phone: +45 2632 0267
Fax: : +45 4466 0136
Email: ocm[at]


This extension aims to ensure that the ECA developed in the work of Annex 36 reaches its intended users. The aim is to launch the ECA in the different participating countries. The extension of the joint working group will:

  • Pilot (-test) the ECA with the intended target group (client bodies such as local education authorities, energy associations, design advisers), and thereby obtain important feedback for further improvement and development of the ECA. This testing could also result in a number of testimonials about the use of the ECA in specific situations. This testing will also identify knowledge gaps for further development work.
  • Further develop the ECA to undertake improvements on already identified areas, e.g. the case study viewer and the retrofit measure viewer for easier inclusion of new material (a database format is already included in the ECA, so the road for this development is already paved). Also the national databases for construction components need to be improved. The coherence with the development in CEN regarding the EU Building Energy Performance Directive (BEPD) will be emphasized.
  • Translate the ECA into different national languages. Representatives from the following countries have stated that they will have the ECA translated: France, Poland, German, Norway, Finland, and Greece. Besides the ECA will be produced in English.
  • Disseminate (launch) the ECA to a broader audience. This will include “commercialising” the ECA in the respect that private companies will be invited to contribute to the retrofit measure viewer at a “to be defined charge” and thereby help finance the dissemination of the tool, which will be distributed free of charge.

The work plan for the extension period covers the following 4 activities:

  • Making minor improvements and for some countries (see above) making the translations necessary before the testing. Duration: 2-3 months.
  • Testing and evaluation by the target group on real practical examples. Duration: 3-4
  • Adapting the ECA with the results of the evaluation and further the translation. Duration: 6 months.
  • Dissemination / launching the ECA: Duration: 6 months.


Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, UK, USA


The list of publications can be found here.