IEA EBC Annex 83: 1st Working Meeting

January 28-29, 2021
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

                                                                  Day 1: Thursday January 28th

Annex plenary session (open to all annex participants)


     15 min

Annex 83 status recap

Presentation by operating agents

Reminder about participating in the online poll on conferences


     15 min


  • Everybody present writes a short introduction of oneself to the chat (name, affiliation, country, subtask that interests them)
  • Roll call of subtask leaders


    60 min


30 min

All Subtask presentations (5 min presentation + 10 min discussion each)

Presenting subtask summary and working plan for this year

Potential conferences for future collaborative workshops with other initiatives

Selecting conferences for future workshops based on poll results

Date for the next meeting


     60 min



Duration decided by subtask leaders


Subtask planning – parallel sessions

  • Subtasks A, B and C: Planning the data collection template – needs of the subtask (reported next day to subtask leaders)
  • Subtask D: drafting the structure of data collection template


N.B. Use the Teams link or phone number for your subtask when joining the parallel sessions


                                                                           Day 2: Friday January 29th

Subtask leaders session (open to subtask leaders)


    120 min

Collating Subtask needs regarding data collection – (10 min presentations + 80 min discussion in the end)

  • Subtask D presents draft structure of the data collection template (10 min)
  • Subtasks A, B and C present their needs regarding data collection template (10 min each)
  • Discussion for collating and harmonizing needs regarding the data collection template (Subtask D leads the discussion with all subtask leaders and makes notes, 80 min)


     10 min

Closing words

Next steps