IEA EBC Annex 82: 1st working meeting, online

October 5-8, 2021
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

There were 67 persons from 22 countries attended the first working meeting on 5-8 October. This shows there is a steady increasing interest in participating in the annex. The workshop was online due to the Covid 19 situation. Because of the time difference between Berkeley, USA and Brisbane, Australia a timeslot of 3 hours (15:00-18:00 CEST) was scheduled every day for discussing the progress and planning work of the four subtasks.

Although the annex was still in the preparation phase, a few tasks have started. The annex is still in the startup phase and the workplan of the four subtasks are being detailed. Subtasks organize monthly or bi-monthly task meetings. Subtask A and B started literature reviews. Subtask C proposed four research ideas and formed groups to work on them. Subtask D presented organizational framework for literature review and discussed some example of business models. In addition, a group of participants have started to work on the definition of research questions for common exercises. A group of 12 researchers has been working on Annex 82 Ten Questions article since June.