For this second-year edition, the Annex 83 Summer School will embrace the energy modelling of PEDs as main focus. In this context, the School will focus on a range of issues related to the theoretical and practical challenges for PED implementation, design and energy management issues, as well as some consequent sustainability aspects. Existing case-studies will be presented and discussed.
The School is structured along five days. During the first four days, interactive lectures will focus on key aspects of energy system modelling in PEDs. Each lecture will alternate with working activities sessions, allowing participants to collaborate in teams and explore the insights provided by the lecturers. On the final day, participants will be involved in a round-table discussion on the main implications, future research and application.
Materials from workshop
1st day:
2nd day: There was a Lecture from Prof. Inturri on mobility in PEDs. Afterwards there was organised a social activity - a trip to the sea.
3rd day: During the morning session, we tackled the integration of renewable-based energy systems in PEDs and simulated load curves of components. In the afternoon, we dealt with the energy management and monitoring, with an exercise on how to build control and CUSUM charts for buildings' energy performances.
4th day: There were Lectures from Francesco and Topi. We studied how to calculate energy and carbon balances applied to PED case studies and the main impacts of PEDs on electricity markets.
5th day: We had a brainstorming session on practical implications of what we learnt during the week and a round-table for common research ideas to be developed in the next upcoming months.